1. Why it is important to babywear your little ones correctly?
It is essential to carry in the most optimal position so that babies can develop their spine and hips properly. And to avoid further complications in future.
2. What is Woven Wrap?
Woven wrap is a long piece of cloth that is suitable from newborn to toddler. There are different blends of fabric, cotton, wool, linen, bamboo etc. Woven wrap is the most versatile and convenient of all baby carriers. It can be used right after birth throughout the babies milestone. Woven wrap is suitable for many different needs and there are several ways for wrapping on front, hip and back carry.
Woven wrap is a long piece of cloth that is suitable from newborn to toddler. There are different blends of fabric, cotton, wool, linen, bamboo etc. Woven wrap is the most versatile and convenient of all baby carriers. It can be used right after birth throughout the babies milestone. Woven wrap is suitable for many different needs and there are several ways for wrapping on front, hip and back carry.
A thin wrap is good for newborn baby, medium thick wrap is great for babies of different ages and thicker wraps offer extra support for heavy babies and toddlers.
If you feel there are too many options and choosing the right baby wrap is difficult, the medium thick cotton wrap is a good choice: it is soft and easy to tie with a newborn and also supportive enough for a toddler.
3. What is ring sling?
Just like woven wrap, ring sling have different blends of fabric too. It is sewn with an aluminium ring, that makes adjusting of the sling easy. Suitable from newborn. It makes a great carrier for quick ups and downs.
Just like woven wrap, ring sling have different blends of fabric too. It is sewn with an aluminium ring, that makes adjusting of the sling easy. Suitable from newborn. It makes a great carrier for quick ups and downs.
4. Which is the best carrier for a newborn?
It is highly recommended that you carry the first 6 months of your newborn's life in your arms, ring sling, wrap or soft structure carrier (SSC) (together with infant insert or without depending on brands).
5. There are too many choices, which should I choose for my newborn; woven wrap, ringsling or SSC?
To wrap a newborn with a woven wrap, it is best to use the Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) technique. It is a piece of cloth you can use throughout your babywearing journey also depending on the blend. It is very comfortable and soft, however it needs a little practice.
If long pieces of cloth turn you off, then you would want to consider a ringsling. It has 2 rings and a 2m cloth. It is efficient for quick ups and downs.
SSC would be a hassle-free choice, as you do not need to handle the long cloth, however, you will need to buy according to your little one's size. There are baby, toddler and pre-school size. Depending on the brand, for newborn, some brands can be used without infant insert.
6. I don't like long cloth, can I start with short wrap?
If you are going to carry especially babies from 0 - 6 months, it is best to start with a longer wrap which is size 5 (4.2m )onwards. As they need to be well supported around their hips and spine, Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) is the best way to go.
Wrap sizing guide is available in the internet, for quick tips, for small built parents who is wearing shirt size of S and M, a size 5(4.2m) wrap would be sufficed, for shirt size M, L, XL(depends) a size 6 (4.6m) wrap is good.
7. Does Wear Weave Love provide before and after sale support?
Yes, Wear Weave Love will provide before and after sale support. You can send images of you carrying your baby for clarification, or drop by to try which size wrap is suitable for you or to get help on how to get comfortable with your carrier.